
Naoko Tamura

February 18 - March 18, 2006

"the light is hazy and floating and the lines are geometrical, parallelepipeds of creamy light on an imaginary stretch of wall."
-Jean-Philippe Toussaint
"Every thought derives from a thwarted sensation."
-E.M. Cioran

gallery.sora. is pleased to announce the gallery debut exhibition of Kyoto based photographer Naoko Tamura. Tamura’s recent projects (2004) include participation in the Taka Ishii Gallery group exhibition Sugar Hiccup as well as the release of an artist monograph Voice published by Seigensha.

Naoko Tamura is a sensualist; her work exploits physical possibilities inherent in the process of creating a photographic image. Absent as image, Tamura’s presence is significant; evident in the atypical vantage point which serves to ground each photograph. Tamura’s positioning foregrounds scale and color as primary means through which to experience visual relationships. At once over-saturated and spare, the photographs invite consideration of alternative modes of processing visual information.

The gallery.sora. exhibition will serve as an introduction to the artist's work and will consist of a selection of both new and previously published photographic images.