"The Collectors", installation view, Danish Pavilion, 53rd Venice Biennial, 2009 / photo: Anders Sune Berg

Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset (based in Berlin) have been working together since 1995. The duo create work in a wide range of media including performance, installation, sculpture and film – their work investigating the meaning of power within contemporary society with a view towards subversion. Decidedly humorous, the work of Elmgreen & Dragset is deeply informed by the very aesthetic which they strive to subvert; complicating any clear line between complicity and revolt. The undeniable attractiveness and timeliness of their presentations has led to recent large-scale projects including: “Van Gogh’s Ear”, Public Art Fund, Rockefeller Center, New York (2016), “Biography”, Astrup Fearnley Museum, Oslo (2014) and Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen (2014); “Tomorrow”, Victoria & Albert Museum, London (2013); The Fourth Plinth, Trafalgar Square, London (2012); “The Collectors”, Danish and Nordic Pavilions, 53rd Venice Biennale (2009).

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